Monday, October 15, 2007

The lawsuit against mcdonalds

I read on CNN that this woman was suing McDonalds for a hoax gone wrong. Someone pretending to be a cop came in the restaurant and stripped searched her and while he was doing that he was touching her in a sexual way. McDonalds said that they knew about the hoaxs but said that it was irrielavent to tell contact all of their franchises and tell them about it, and that the woman should have said no. I believe that McDonalds was very sexist in saying that; she had no idea what was going on, and if someone dressed as a cop came to you telling you to do something good law abiding citizens would try to do what they are ordered to do. I will be reading further into this lawsuit; I hope she wins, because all of that could have not have happened if McDonalds would have alerted their workers.

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